Friday, June 6, 2008

Never trust a bearded man

I never thought I'd be a facial hair guy. My father wore a beard for probably the last 15 years of his life (and I think it took five of those years for it to grow in fully), and the primary reason was to keep his face warm on cold winter mornings during deer season. Since I was not afflicted with a hunting hobby, that was not a good reason for me. And as a morning runner, facial hair can be more of a problem than a help since it tends to freeze up and develop rather uncomfortable icicles. Finally, Christy was pretty adamant that she didn't care much for facial hair.

But then, I realized that the two Red Sox players Christy found most attractive (Jason Varitek and Tim Wakefield) both had goatees. I wasn't sure if I could grow one, but during the summer of 2006, I was studying wall to wall for qualifying exams and didn't really care to shave anyway. Why not give it a try? I think it took a full two months to grow in well, but Christy actually liked it and that's all I needed to keep it and learn to groom it well.

Although she's hinted at it in the past, she finally admitted tonight why she thinks it works for me... "It covers a multitude of chins." Ouch. :)

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